So, here's the story from my flight back from England.

I flew back from Gatwick airport, which was a blessing in disguise because Heathrow was a nightmare. The people I was traveling with all had earlier flights than me, and since we had to check out of the hotel, I just went to the airport early. I arrived around 8AM for my 1PM flight. After realizing I was in the wrong terminal (the sign said "all airlines in this terminal except..." That was tiny, the airline names were large) , I walked to the right one, checked my luggage, got laughed at for trying for an earlier flight, and went through security. I grabbed some breakfast, and then sat down at an internet station for a while.

My boarding time was for 12:15, but they told me to be at the gate 45 min prior to boarding. After walking around duty free for a while, I made my way down there.

They made us empty out our entire carry-on and test all electronic devices before boarding the plane.

Once I got on the plane, I prompty fell asleep. When I woke up, I assumed we took off on time (you know what happens when you assume). So, I didn't think anything of it. Watched Mission Impossible III and a few episodes of Without a Trace, and the plane landed in Raliegh/Durham about 25 min late, and I had a connection to make. I ran off the plane, and got to immigration. I asked the American Airlines woman there ifI can be rushed through as I had a connection to make "No".. well, then can you call the flight and have them hold it for me "No" After telling the woman to go fuck herself, I got through immigration in about 20 min. Then I had to wait for my luggage to come to go through customs. Of course mine was like the last bag that came out. I had to wait on another line to recheck my bag. As I'm waiting a girl comes and looks at my baggage tag. "You going to LaGuardia?" "yeah" "come with me"

She got me to the front of the line, and I checked my luggage. Had to go through security again, which was pretty quick. Then I ran to make my flight. I get there at 5:45 (flight was leaving at 5:50). We close the door, the flight attendant does the safety lecture, and then the captain comes on the speaker. "They have put delays into affect at LaGuardia, we're not taking off until 6:58."

I was so tired when I got back.

It was a long day.

Five Replies to The Flight from hell

Scott Hardie | August 28, 2006
Wow, that sounds terrible Scott. I hate flying just because of experiences like that. New York is one of the largest cities in the world and yet you can't get a direct flight to London?

Kris Weberg | August 28, 2006
Hhe. Raleigh Durham. Everytime I go there I'm surprised at how many Heathrow connections there are listed. Guess Mr. Horowitz got one of them.

Amy Austin | September 2, 2006
Holy shit, that must have sucked.

Jackie Mason | September 4, 2006
[hidden by author request]

Scott Horowitz | September 11, 2006
I used mileage, so I had crappy flights


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