So, I've been at my new job for a little over 4 months now. I have to say I am very happy there, and one of the main reasons is my boss Jim.

The main thing I like about Jim is the fact that when I do something good or important, he'll say "Good Job" or "Thanks a lot". I don't think I was told that once at my last job.

The other thing is that he seems to reward me for good work. I had to go in for work on a Saturday. On top of overtime, he said go have a good time tonight and handed me a $100 Gift card to a nice steak house. I was also talking about how I want a big screen TV, and he said he'd buy it for me as my holiday bonus.

I guess it is just nice to be appreciated.

Anyways, in Marco Island Florida right now for Holidays. Spending time with my niece and nephew. God I love those kids

Two Replies to My Boss

Scott Hardie | December 3, 2006
Memo to self: Do not let staff read this blog.

Amy Austin | December 20, 2006

Yes, that is definitely a motivating boss you've got there, Scott. Good incentive program, to be sure!


Scott Horowitz discusses life, the universe, and everything. In short, this is about the number 42. Read more »

Women suck!

So, I've been doing the world of online dating. I met this girl online and we seemed to hit it off pretty well. We went out 2 times, and on the second date, I said I'd call her to go see a movie we were talking about. Go »

Life changes

wow, it's been a while since I wrote a blog, stupid inactivity monitor :-p So, going to be moving again in about 6 weeks, want to get out of NJ and back into NY... looking at Queens. Also, I actually have a girlfriend, will wonders never cease? Go »

Moving is not that bad

all moved into my new place. Getting cable was not too bad, and my couch comes next Friday. In other news, I get a letter from my rental agency, it seems they misquoted me on rent, they over stated by $69/month, so I got a check for $138 from them... Go »

Roommate Solution

So, the roomie didn't take the job, so we're stuck together for the near future.. Go »

The Flight from hell

So, here's the story from my flight back from England. I flew back from Gatwick airport, which was a blessing in disguise because Heathrow was a nightmare. The people I was traveling with all had earlier flights than me, and since we had to check out of the hotel, I just went to the airport early. Go »

The goggles, they do nothing...

On, July 7, I had LASIK Vision Corrective Surgery. On, July 8, when I woke up I could see... it was awesome. Go »