It's the eve of 420 and you don't have to be high to enjoy the following links, but it couldn't hurt.

When this clock goes into production, it will be featured in my den.
Smart dog or dumb dog? Breeds ranked by intelligence.
Interesting website that challenges people to re-create now, a photo from then. Some are quite surreal and pretty amusing. Youngme - Nowme.
Ballpark promotions that went wrong.

Various images that made me laugh (sometimes humorlessly):
Current resident
Your pet as a rug
If Homer's car were real
Hillbilly Christmas gift
Which is the bigger idiot - the guy dressed like this or the guy who is willing to drink?

Easiest job in the world? Caribbean weatherman. Practice that delayed over-reaction, will ya!
If I had had a treehouse like these I really would have gotten into the Guinness Book of World Records.
I wasn't feeling nostalgic about any of these foods until I reached the Hostess Pudding Pie. Top 10 Awesome Nostalgic Foods We Want Back
Stand-up of the week: John Caparulo

Three Replies to It's 419, Do You Know Where Your Dealer Is?

Aaron Shurtleff | April 20, 2008
No way! Of all the dogs I ever met that could be classified as dumb, all but one was a lab. Any list that comes up with anything else as the dumbest dog ever is lying, and any list that puts a lab on a smartest list is full of bullshizz!

The one outlier was a weimereiner...however you spell it. I don't condemn that breed, though. :)

Steve West | April 20, 2008
I can only personally attest to the border collie's intelligence. That one is spot on.

Aaron Shurtleff | April 21, 2008
I'm surprised no one in particular *coughamycough* has commented on the Bulldog being third dumbest. Especially after my anti-Gator comments... ;)

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