I wonder what it is with me liking all these songs that mention Jesus. I'm a total atheist :P Actually I think it might be easier for me to like these songs that it would be for anyone who's religious and might have a troubled background with religion. I guess the name has less significance for me. :P

One favorite is the live version of "Walking with Jesus" by Spiritualized, which I can defend as compliant with my atheist lifestyle by looking at an early version of the song and seeing that the song is really about heroin. ("If heaven's like heroin, then that's the place for me").

I like this one song Darrell played on his radio show a few times, because it has some evil lyrics. The song is "Ten-Year Coin" by Martin Zellar and the Hardaways.

"When I was younger I used to wonder what could cause a man to just lay down and die
and I wish that I was younger still and I wish that I still had to wonder why"


"when I was younger I used to wonder what could ever bring a man to want to kill
and it scares the shit right of me to admit that I don't have to wonder still"

Well I borrowed the CD and now I realized that there are a lot of lyrics I missed when I heard it on the radio. Specifically the line right in between those two:

"Got a wife and kids at home you know they ain't never seen a certain side of me
Cause I gave my life to Jesus six years back but you know they've only known me three"

It's OK, I still like the song but this is getting weird :) On further reflection it's still an evil song because it seems to be about a recovering alcoholic who has been sober for ten years who goes out and gets drunk one night. Anyway, that is my song of the day.

Prayer for the Paranoid

Denise Sawicki posts whatever she feels able to post without serious consequences Read more »

I'm posting a lot

Yeah I suppose I should mention for anyone wondering (besides Scott, who I already talked to) I'm 90% sure I'm too crazy to do this GooCon thing appropriately. But that 10% chance of a successful trip is driving me nuts. I'm really curious to meet some other site users and I know it would be fun if I wasn't so crazy. Go »

Nothing much

Well I figured I should mention my health thingy is OK and I don't have to get any more tests for another year... :P The weeks are going by really fast, it's quite alarming. and alcohol is fun. Go »

Long long break

Well I think I have to devote all my game energy to D&D for a long time because it's terribly complicated and not think about Rock Block at all for a while... Sorry I felt the need to check the card exchange anyhow... I hope when I traded a couple cards lately that people were satisfied with the outcome... Go »

Ghost of an Unkissed Kiss

As though I don't look bad enough for sharing information on my lame celebrity crushes, here's a real-life one, albeit a really old one. I'd forgotten that his full name was in the movie we watched the other day and maybe hearing his name was what got me started on this nostalgic path. He's got a common name. Go »


So, It seems like our frequent thunderstorms have programmed me to become wide awake at bizarre times even when there isn't a storm. I am definitely going back to bed. First I wanted to comment on a strange trend in anime. Go »

I didn't like Brokeback Mountain

I know I'm a number of years too late to be talking about this, but I finally happened to see Brokeback Mountain and I have to say I didn't like it terribly much. Yes, I realize this is an extremely unpopular opinion to the point of being just plain wrong as an objective fact. Note, I do not have a problem with gay people or gay behavior. Go »