We had a nice thunder snowstorm on Tuesday evening. It was kind of surreal actually. I don't remember experiencing such odd weather before. Wound up with a bunch of new snow after most of it had melted already. I guess it almost goes without saying they are threatening the biggest flood in history again, the third year in a row :P. Man did I pick a dumb time and place to decide to buy a house. Anyhow thanks to Prozac and general apathy I am not really too concerned this time. I just am going to try to refuse to stack sandbags because I'm so weak that I'm a liability and it's like some crazy flashback to the horror of gym class with the added component of mortal peril (or, at any rate, severe property damage).

Darrell decided to buy two anime series all of a sudden: Trigun and Cowboy Bebop. I admit I was slightly apprehensive of how difficult of a hobby this might prove to be, but I surprised myself by quite liking them. I saw all of Trigun in order but so far I have only managed to see bits of Cowboy Bebop, out of order. I like them both. I find the art in Cowboy Bebop just a bit weird though, and probably I'm alone in this, but there seems to be an odd mix of Babylon 5 style 90's CGI and very cartoonish cartoons (mainly it's the people who are more cartoonish). I guess I just think it looks a bit odd sometimes, maybe because I'm not used to it, but the show seems really good. Anyway I guess it helps that these are supposed to be among the most "American" of anime series. I was expecting to feel like a dumb American and not understand any of the humor.

Five Replies to Thundersnow

Erik Bates | March 25, 2011
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | March 25, 2011
Those are probably good series to start with. I hope that you and Darrell find more anime that you like. I suggested Grave of the Fireflies to him on Facebook. You can probably get other recommendations around here, if you want any.

I understand about that strange apathy in the face of potential disaster. Once you've been through the stress of a couple of hurricanes approaching you in Florida, you no longer worry about other storms unless they're coming straight at you, even while all signs indicate that you're supposed to be worried.

Denise Sawicki | March 25, 2011
Well, I guess I was overly freaked out in the past. You must have been through some real scares there!

I watched the end of Bebop already without having seen terribly much of the backstory. I am sure that was doing it a disservice. Now I am starting at the beginning and I will get through it eventually. It is hard to coordinate everyone's schedules for co-watching :) So far I like Ed and Ein, though I guess they are the obvious ones to like. I said Ed is the Kramer of Cowboy Bebop and perhaps I should be ashamed of myself for liking her. Or perhaps I shouldn't think about it so much :)

Anyway, not sure Darrell wants to see anything described as tragic, but thanks for the recommendation :)

Jackie Mason | March 25, 2011
[hidden by author request]

Lori Lancaster | March 26, 2011
[hidden by author request]

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