Let the Bodies Hit the Floor
by Scott Hardie on October 14, 2006

Damn it. After The Sims 2, I'm not ready for another glitch to ruin a game. Elder Scrolls IV has always been a little buggy, tending to lock up my Xbox when it gets too excited for instance. But now I've saved a glitch into the game and it can't be undone. Late in the fighter's guild quests is a mission where you need to discover a corpse in a cave to proceed. Trouble is, if you enter the cave early in the game as I did, the corpse will appear then, and corpses vanish after three days of game time, so it's gone by the time you need it in the quest. I was relieved to discover a patch, even if I would have to subscribe to Xbox Live to download it, until I read the disclaimer: The patch doesn't affect saved games in which the problem already occurred, only saves from before your first visit to the cave. Well shit, if I have to go back to before my first visit to the cave, what would the patch even achieve? That would require me to re-do two months of daily playing. So much for completing that leg of the game. Friggin' great.
Logical Operator
The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

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