The Aggravation of Blog Readers by the Movie-Spoiler Scott Hardie
by Scott Hardie on August 27, 2006

The upcoming Western The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford has looked appealing to me for a while now. (I originally used a pic of Brad Pitt in character for the Jesse James goo.) Great cast, great photography, great old-fashioned title. How many long, cumbersome, ending-spoiling titles do you see in movies any more? I think they should all be named that way. The Escape from the Island by the Castaway and His Volleyball by Means of Floating Debris and a Makeshift Raft. The Treatment of a Scared Psychic Child by a Moody Psychologist Who Doesn't Know He's Dead. The Extraterrestrial Journey of the Emotionally-Isolated Astronomer Where She Discovers the Alien Spokesperson is Her Dad. It's catchy!
One Reply to The Aggravation of Blog Readers by the Movie-Spoiler Scott Hardie
Logical Operator
The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

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Get a Clue
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Kris Weberg | August 27, 2006
It sounds good for most movies, but how would we be able to tell Rob Schneider's newest film, A Talentless Comedian Makes Fart and Dick Jokes for a Little over an Hour from last year's Schneider film of the same name?