Give Me a Little Credit Here
by Scott Hardie on August 4, 2007

Today's junk-mail pitch from Visa: "Most credit card companies know you as a number. Sean, we know you by name."
Six Replies to Give Me a Little Credit Here
Matthew Preston | August 4, 2007
Heheh! I'm curious though, would you have signed up if they called you "Scott"?
Tony Peters | August 4, 2007
yes well my home phone number is listed under my cat's names, Zipper and Sketch Peters. In the last month Zipper's credit has gotten very good....she is eligible for a $500,000 home loan, in addition to receiving Visa, Discover, AMEX and Diners club cards in the mail (real cards not fake ones) we have taken to shutting our computers down in fear that the little furball might try to use her credit cards on "Kitty Porn"
Lori Lancaster | August 4, 2007
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Amy Austin | August 5, 2007
Heheheh... yeah, I started using my other family members' names, too (though not as funny as "Sketch" or "Zipper") for filling out questionable fields online ever since the last time you mentioned this brilliant practice.
Jackie Mason | August 5, 2007
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Logical Operator
The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

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Lori Lancaster | August 4, 2007
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