Thank you, Johnson, whoever you are.

I received what I presume is a birthday gift hand-labeled from someone named "Johnson" in Jacksonville, Alabama, postmarked Anniston, Alabama on May 22nd. This means it's someone who knows me well enough to anticipate my birthday and know my home address. But I don't know anybody named Johnson (unless it's that creep stalking Lenore) and I don't know anybody at all in Alabama. Maybe Johnson is merely the eBay seller or Amazon Z-Shop owner fulfilling someone else's order?

Inside the package was a Spider-Man-themed Xbox controller, new in its packaging, with no note. It has already brought me fun trying to guess who sent it before I've even opened it and used it, so thank you, whoever you are.

Five Replies to Mystery Gift

Scott Hardie | May 28, 2007
Extra hint: When they wrote my address, they included the ZIP+4. I only mention the basic 5-digit zip code when I give mine out, so this person had to have gotten my address processed through some kind of site like Amazon that filled in the four extra digits.

Lori Lancaster | May 28, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Erik Bates | May 29, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | May 29, 2007
Good input. The mystery has been solved via email with the giver – it was an Amazon z-Shop, in other words some person somewhere selling on Amazon's site. My gratitude to the giver.

Jackie Mason | May 29, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Logical Operator

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