Okay... one thing that's always seemed like a great idea in theory, but feels impossible in practice, is meditation. I just cannot quiet my brain... which is so loud that it even produces the night-time head movies that make my eyes rain. ;-p (Never go full retard, folks.)

But watching this comes pretty darned close to a meditative state, and -- more importantly -- it makes me smile.

(Also... take note of the Antoine Dodson update -- good for him!!)

Two Replies to Now... Where Did I Put That Damn Zen???

Scott Hardie | November 11, 2010
Good video. :-)

Tony Peters | November 11, 2010
that's funny.....reaching a meditative state isn't easy, I quit sitting for a few years I still don't do it often because it usually eludes me. Lately I find my days filled with artistic obsessions that require my complete focus.

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