I don't know if I feel quite brave or open enough (a shocking thing for me to say... at least to me, anyway) to share the raw and emotional details of the dream I had this morning, but... suffice it to say that I have enough difficulty trying to get through the heartbreak of my waking hours -- I *don't* need that shit following me to bed when I'm trying to do my best to sleep it off at night!!!

Eight Replies to Painful Life = Even More Painful Dreams...

Lori Lancaster | October 21, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Amy Austin | October 22, 2007
Thank you, Lori... but actually, I don't think I do... please e-mail me...

Jackie Mason | October 22, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Aaron Shurtleff | October 22, 2007
Hate to bust up the all-girl reply trend with my Y chromosome, but...

I used to have recurring nightmares when I was younger, so I know (sort of...kind of) what you're dealing with, and it sucks! I wish I could tell you there was a simple way to stop having nightmares, but there really isn't (or if there is, I wish I would have known about it sooner...). Did you have anything out of the ordinary to eat the night before? That can sometimes be the cause of particularly odd dreams for some people, but, of course, ymmv. Any change in habit could be contributing to the problem, but it might be hard to pin down what the trouble is. You might need to keep a dream journal for a while. Not to document your dreams (which it sounds like you wouldn't want to do anyways), but to document what you did/ate/etc. before going to bed, and trying to correlate the occurance of the dreams with some factor. I don't know if that will help, but...

All righty. Good luck, pleasant dreams, and well wishes are being sent your way! As much as a person can... ;)

I'll take the Y out the door. See ya!

Amy Austin | October 23, 2007
Y chromosomes always welcome, Aaron...

But, unfortunately, I know the cause is really just anxiety of the same variety that I have in waking life... the dreams are just crueler versions of the same reality. For me, the most memorable dreams happen right before I wake up anyway. This is far enough after anything I ate for that to be a factor (at least, I think so), and it's probably more a side effect of staying in bed past the time I ought to be getting up... the state right before lucidity, like when falling asleep or waking up, is often the worst time for these dreams, and I think it's because of their proximity to consciousness.

Aaron Shurtleff | October 23, 2007
The dreams are probably always like that, but those times closest to conciouness are when you remember them best, as your brain starts "kicking in". I love it when your brain starts to work against you! :)

In other news, why does your picture fluctuate between the old and new one?!? In the reply, it's the old one, in the actual post, it's the new one! You got some odd mojo going or something, my friend!! ;)

Amy Austin | October 24, 2007
I've got mojo??? Sweet...

Scott Hardie | October 25, 2007
Sorry, Amy. I have my own troubles sometimes. The last thing I want to do after having rough dreams about my job for eight straight hours is drag myself into the office for a whole day of work. :-(

Aaron, it's browser cache. Should have disappeared by now.

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