Apparently, a tornado hit Maysville, NC Sunday, missing "my" house (or Ed's, with a lot of my things still in it) by about a mile. Used to browse that store for good junk!

Four Replies to Still in Kansas, Thankfully (or North Carolina, anyway!)

Steve West | May 13, 2008
My Granny's house is about 30 miles west of that (just below Wallace). No way any structure in her little town could have withstood that. Glad you weren't there.

Jackie Mason | May 14, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Amy Austin | May 14, 2008
Hah... thanks, y'all -- though *part* of me actually wishes for an insurance settlement... and a hit carried out by Mother Nature... (not really... but sort of... you know...)

Tony Peters | May 15, 2008
yeah that probably would have made life a lot easier

Nocturnal e-Musings

Amy Austin counts down the days until... something... Read more »

There's No Place Like Home...

Another update from the Land of Oz and tornados... Apparently, I wasn't too far off in thinking that an insurance deal would be nice... they're worried about it, too. Go »

Must Love Dogs

Someone I know (I guess you could say "a friend") who's been trying to break into politics for the last six months or so (starting with a mayoral race, lol) recently asked me (via Facebook chat) how I was doing (hadn't seen or talked to him in months). This is pretty much how that went: Mayor McCheese: So how's it going? Me: Shitty. Go »

Life Is Killing Me

Not softly, no song, and I'm pretty fed up with it. Go »

Whatever Happened To Baby Haley...?

So, was watching the magically tragical Artificial Intelligence: AI tonight, when I got to wondering about the whereabouts of kid who saw dead people. Apparently, I was not alone in this musing... "My flab..." Go »

...and the computer gods said, "Let there be light!"

I'm too all over the place with visiting, housecleaning and sporadically surfing the Net while getting accustomed to the entirely different feel of Vista to say much besides I GOT A NEW LAPTOP!!! Yes, E bought me a real nice Gateway FX laptop, and I'm feeling like I imagine it must feel to be a heroin addict in relapse -- my dealer just called me up and told me he had some *really great stuff*, and I am feeling that ecstatic comfort and joy of having "the Internets" back in my veins... ;-p Go »

Just Die Already!

Okay... so it's finally time to write a second post. The main ingredient this time would be the recent passing of a friend with cancer (only 36). Go »