Photos from Milwaukee
by Scott Hardie on October 4, 2006

Some of these didn't come out as well as I'd hoped (many were snapped from a moving vehicle), but I'm putting them up anyway.
complete set
Two Replies to Photos from Milwaukee
Scott Hardie | October 12, 2006
I will if I talk to him. Contact came through Matt. I'm not avoiding him; I'm just crazy-busy.
Ryan asked about you and was happy to hear that you and family are well out there.
I'm just glad I finally found a free minute to get all the photos off to a separate page so they weren't dragging the Recent Posts page any more. This is my first five minutes at a keyboard in a week. :-(
Logical Operator
The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

WLW: The First 30
Since we're still putting off NutriSystem until our bank accounts recover from the move, Kelly and I have been focusing on exercise instead. So far it's mostly a lap around the apartment complex a few nights a week, saying hi to underdressed strangers walking their dogs. Last weekend we tried the mall. Go »
Unmitigated Gall
Life gets unpleasant quickly when your gallbladder stops working. TMI alert. I spent all day Friday with sharp pain in my abdomen, diagnosed as spasms from my gallbladder trying to expel a stone. Go »
Scott's Razor
Hanlon's Razor states:Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.That's cute, but aren't we all just a little quick to assume either explanation? Nobody trusts anybody else's judgment any more. Go »
WLW: No Payin', No Gain
My weight loss plan – which has become our weight loss plan, since Kelly intends to do just about everything I do – is on hold until I can recover from the move, which took my last penny and then some. On the bright side, I've been eating less since getting together with Kelly, and I burned what felt like a week's worth of calories during that move. We should start walking soon before we settle into a daily routine. Go »
What a great year. Kelly and I got engaged. Kelly gained permanent employment and health benefits. Go »
Lori Lancaster | October 4, 2006
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