Some of these didn't come out as well as I'd hoped (many were snapped from a moving vehicle), but I'm putting them up anyway.

complete set

Two Replies to Photos from Milwaukee

Lori Lancaster | October 4, 2006
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | October 12, 2006
I will if I talk to him. Contact came through Matt. I'm not avoiding him; I'm just crazy-busy.

Ryan asked about you and was happy to hear that you and family are well out there.

I'm just glad I finally found a free minute to get all the photos off to a separate page so they weren't dragging the Recent Posts page any more. This is my first five minutes at a keyboard in a week. :-(

Logical Operator

The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »


There are some dangerous intersections in our neighborhood, where trucks come barreling through after the light turns red. This morning, Kelly and I were waiting at the light when she dropped her sunglasses. "Fuck beans," she muttered, unbuckling her seat belt and leaning forward just as the light turned green. Go »

Chatt Story

Kelly and I are home from a brief road trip to Chattanooga. The primary reason for going was the wedding of an old friend of Kelly. The ceremony was beautiful, held on the banks of Fall Creek Falls Lake, with some of the best-written vows I've ever heard, at once personal and profound. Go »


I've always felt like my life's dream was to quit my job and spend all my time online. I wouldn't only do that, of course – if I won the lottery and quit my job, I'd also travel and take classes and throw parties and do other things – but let's face it, I'd spend a lot of time working on this site and talking to people online. Last night I dreamed I was a ghost, recently passed. Go »


I enjoy safe hobbies like making websites, but there's something to be said for the dangerous ones: (link) Go »


Kelly recently spent a socially-distanced evening with some friends who were fostering a two-month-old kitten, and fell in love with her. Who couldn't love a face like this? So, we put in the paperwork to adopt her, and two weeks ago, Willow came home with us for good. Go »

Where the Hell I Have Been All Year, Part II

I have a job! It sounds silly to keep that a secret, and yet I did for two years. I was fearful of being dooced for the slightest remark, since nearly anything can be interpreted as inappropriate with enough reasoning. Go »