Going without electricity in Florida can be a miserable affair. You sweat non-stop. You sleep fitfully at best, waking up in pools of your own body fluid. You open the windows to get some air movement, only to have the sounds of the storm keep you awake.

Our power was out from 3pm yesterday to 3pm today thanks to that bitch Debby. (We call our storms on a first-name basis here.) Thankfully we were able to move our Monday night game to someone else's house on short notice, but there was nothing to do but lay in bed once we returned. We talked about going out for ice cream at midnight, but I couldn't eat any, and it just felt like delaying the inevitable.

I'm glad that we bought a new freezer a few weeks ago. The food in there could stay cold for days. The food in the fridge, well...

Two Replies to Powerless

Lori Lancaster | June 27, 2012
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | June 27, 2012
Good idea! I hadn't thought of that.

Logical Operator

The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »


Another of Fareed Zakaria's perfectly lucid articles today, suggesting the only way out of Iraq: (link) Go »


We weren't planning to get another cat until maybe late spring, but a friend had to move in a hurry and find homes for her cats, so we agreed to adopt one. Her name is Katie, and she needs lots of reassurance about her new home. So far, she's mostly doing well, playing with toys and demanding lots of cuddling. Go »

No Disrespect

One of my pet peeves is people saying, "Have you ever noticed that the phrase 'no disrespect' is immediately followed by something disrespectful?" Well, YEAH. That's the point of the phrase. Go »

The News is Furry

I'm glad to see that CNN has continued their crackerjack, no-nonsense news coverage during ratings season: Go »

Scott's Pet Peeve #8446

Not all mobile phones mix a qwerty keypad with their main numerical keypad, but I have an old Blackberry that does. That makes me especially frustrated by companies that only provide a letter-based phone number without showing a numerical alternative (800-LIKE-THIS). I just went to cancel Nutrisystem, and of course they require you to call a counselor rather than just cancel online, and the only number they give is 888-459-THIN. Go »


Right now, I don't think I could write emotionally about my feelings from last night as well as I could have in the moment, but I haven't finished considering them and this is a part of that process. Long story short, I found myself passing on friends who really wanted to spend time with me in order to sit here and write code for Celebrity Goo Game, and I came to question what the hell I was doing. As in, my whole lifestyle. Go »