Kelly and I wed on March 15, an event that we've been looking forward to for a very long time. Despite keeping the wedding modest and casual, it still involved a great deal of planning and anxiety, occupying my attention for the last few months. (Kelly was in charge of her outfit; I planned everything else, with her approval at each stage.) But all of that trouble was worth it to say our vows publicly at last, and to have a party with our friends and family. I felt so much love that day, and I will treasure that feeling for years to come. It's a relief to have this day behind us, and for it to have gone so well.

There's a much longer version of this post with lots of photos and more information about each part of the wedding.

Four Replies to The Wedding

Erik Bates | April 7, 2014
[hidden by author request]

Chris Lemler | April 7, 2014
You guys are right for each other!!!! Glad to hear you guys are happy

Evie Totty | May 6, 2014
It was a joy to be invited and witness to this special event and lots of fun reading the stories!

Scott Hardie | May 11, 2014
In the original draft, I neglected to mention that Kelly walked down the aisle to "Rose of My Heart" by Johnny Cash, which has become a favorite of ours. :-)

Logical Operator

The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

Not to Be Confused with Denise Sawicki

It's been two months since I first mentioned my new love Denise on the site. She's overdue for a proper introduction, since I plan to continue mentioning her on a first-name basis around here. (I don't know why some men continue to tell me about their woman by calling her "my wife" or "my girlfriend" even though I've known her and socialized with her for years.) Go »


For all you Lost Skeleton of Cadavra fans... (If you haven't seen it, rent it, or at least watch the trailer there.) Go »


It's good to be back online. We lost our Internet connection at home on Tuesday, and it has only come back on for a few minutes sporadically ever since then, just enough time to send a quick email before it vanishes again. Making sure goos got published in time wasn't easy. Go »

Not in My Back Yard

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Scott's Car is Dead; Long Live Scott's Car

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