Why do adults get on children's slides? Compilation film of various acidents, big, small, young, and old. The fifth clip in of the guy going down the water slide head first sans kid almost gave me a brain hemorrhage from laughing.

Two Replies to Slip Slidin' Away

Amy Austin | October 30, 2007
Ahh, Newton's Laws...

Matthew Preston | October 31, 2007
Admittedly, I wouldn't be able to resist the long metallic slide at 0:47.

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Halloween Post #5: What Do You Mean You're Out Of Blood Colored Yarn?!?

Several goo site participants have demonstrable sewing skills. Anybody knit? For those who do and are in a festive spirit on a psychotic level, you might want to try your hand at these. Go »

And A Super Thank You To You

"I can fly!" "I can burn things up just by looking at them!" "I can change the density of my body from the heaviest metal to the most ephmeral gas!" Go »

Baseball and Androgeny

Recent conversation with Brenda: me: (watching baseball) Do you realize how filthy professional baseball players are? Brenda: Not first-hand, no. me: Look at these guys. Go »

Preparing For Battle

Yesterday, I saw the first flakes of snow of this winter season. Today, I bought a new shovel. Brenda and I are preparing for a new house purchase this spring. Go »

Lauren the Builder

Here’s a truly heartwarming story about the bond formed between my 5-year-old daughter, Lauren, and some construction workers. I embellished it only slightly. It will make you believe that we can all make a difference when we give a child the gift of our time. Go »

Speaking Of Tattoos...

"She Who Must Be Obeyed" (my wife) has graciously allowed me to alter my flesh by getting a tattoo. Much thought has gone into this. David Spade put it well after getting a Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes tattoo on his shoulder. Go »