My parents (both passed) dearly loved each other. But with jobs, children, and other business, they found little time to spend on just the two of them. One evening when I was visiting, my Dad came up behind my Mom in the kitchen where she was doing dishes. He said, "Would you like to go out, girl?" Without turning around, my Mom answered, "Yes, I'd love to!" They had a wonderful evening of dancing and drinks that they had not had for some time. Much later, my Dad confessed to me that he was actually talking to the family dog, sleeping at my Mom's feet. I never told her.

Two Replies to Sometimes Romance is Spontaneous

Scott Hardie | April 8, 2021
Seizing opportunities is as important as making them.

Great story. :-)

Matthew Preston | April 8, 2021
Agreed. That is a great story. Thanks for sharing, Steve!

Web Junkie

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