Recently, we held the Annual Empoyees Event for the credit union for which I work. Each year along with the State of the Credit Union speeches and various awards given, there is an entertainment portion. Last year was karaoke and dancing, the year before was a fashion dos and don'ts demonstration. This year was a talent show. It included a teller about one fifth the size of Izzy playing the ukulele and singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow, a solo version of Black Velvet, and a few other singers. The event was capped off by almost the entire Millersville branch staff performiing their version of the Evolution of Dance. Knowing the performers definitely made it more enjoyable for me but it might amuse others knowing this is a group of extreme amateurs just having a good time.

Two Replies to That's Entertainment

Scott Hardie | April 21, 2012
That looks like a lot of fun. :-)

Amy Austin | May 15, 2012
Very entertaining! ;-)

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