just when you think that everything is groovy boom your furnace burps blowing all the seals and well $6000 later you can have heat again. Mind you it was 12degrees yesterday when this happened and at present I can't keep my house any hotter than 55degree's or the house fills with smoke...not to mention that the soonest I can get a new furnace installed is thursday. We were planning on a pellet stove to reduce the amount of oil we were burning but as it turns out we were buring so much oil because our furnace was on it's last legs. So much for snowboarding the rest of the winter...I guess I'll have to make do with skateboarding when the weather is nice

Four Replies to the toils of being a home owner

Amy Austin | February 13, 2008
And this is why I long to be back in the South again!

Jackie Mason | February 13, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Lori Lancaster | February 14, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Tony Peters | February 14, 2008
As much as I understand I can't live without real cold weather and I am loath to deal with actual hot A/C required weather. I will always prefer to be cold over hot. As for the furnace we knew buying the house that the furnace was the week point, both my parents and my bother had to replace a Burnham boiler. Suffice it to say we are not Burnham repeat customers. The biggest bummer is that our heat is steam not hot water which means a much more expensive boiler though much more efficient and effective heat and hotwater when it's functioning properly. When they removed the old furnace this morning it was gross both in the burner chamber with it's rotted seals and in the boiler with its rusted tank. it's about halfway done and I still have no water or heat in the house but I have prepared tonights Valentine dinner of "Pot Roasted Poussins agro dolce" from Cook with Jamie...


The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »

problems within problems

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Oh what a day

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animals are family

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New adventures in Pain...

Well my cast was cut off yesterday...I got to take my first long bath without help in 7 weeks...oh did it feel nice. Go »

sticky nasty weekend

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thursdays are my life

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