The Vagueness Continues
by Scott Hardie on October 27, 2010

Things are looking up. Tomorrow, we sign the lease on a new house in Sarasota, bigger and cheaper than the ridiculously overpriced apartment we've had for five years. It's the first in a series of changes that we've wanted to make for a long time.
I dread becoming too busy in the next few months to work on Funeratic much. Already, I'm too busy tonight to expand the site history like I do every anniversary (happy 14th tomorrow), but I can do that in November I guess. I do have exciting plans for several sections of the site, some of which were discussed at GooCon and will remain a secret until they debut. I can't wait to get to work on them when I'm finally able.
Three Replies to The Vagueness Continues
Dave Stoppenhagen | October 28, 2010
Congrats on the new place. I hope all your changes go smoothly
Jackie Mason | October 29, 2010
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Logical Operator
The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

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Lori Lancaster | October 27, 2010
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