Any advice for a newly single guy? After five months, Denise and I are no longer seeing each other. I won't get into the causes out of respect for her point of view; let's just say she and I each wanted the other to behave differently and it wasn't going to happen. When the end came a week ago, I was terribly distraught over it, but now I know it's the right thing and I'm moving on. I wish her well.

Eleven Replies to This is Me Getting On With My Life

Scott Hardie | March 5, 2007
This also means MiracleASSassin has lost a reader.

Jackie Mason | March 5, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Denise Sawicki | March 5, 2007
I'm sorry to hear it. I'm glad it's something you can accept as the right thing though. I guess it's better to end things sooner rather than later if you know they're not going to work. Still painful though, I am sure.

Aaron Shurtleff | March 5, 2007
Scott, sorry to hear about the terrible loss to my blog readership. :P Now who will read about my medical problems and mental issues?!

But, seriously, it's always hard to break up, but there is, I think, some consolation that it seems that it wasn't a horrible ugly break up. Or maybe it was...that would be not so good. I'm not good with words for occasions like this, so I will resort to my default reaction:

*warm fuzzies*

Lori Lancaster | March 5, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | March 6, 2007
It was a horribly ugly break-up, but it has the upside of being over now. Thanks, everybody, for the kindness.

Anna Gregoline | March 6, 2007
Aw, Scott, I'm sorry. That bites. Nothing more can be said, really. =(

Steve West | March 8, 2007
"Stupid Bitch! What do you mean I can't commit? I've got my share of restraining orders!" - Steve after his last break-up.

Seriously, I have dicovered this about myself. Although I am mostly content by myself, I flourish when I am part of something. I'm one of those guys who loves being in love. And even the rockiest relationship I ever had was the best while it was happening. All that being said, you can compromise on almost anything in any relationship, but you cannot (must not) compromise yourself.

Erik Bates | March 10, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Amy Austin | March 11, 2007
So sorry that I can't say much here without a good cry to go with, except... sorry, Scott.

(Except also that, Steve, you make me laugh an uneasy but/and empathetic laugh... And Erik, I'm not sure which is worse, either, but don't feel like you're missing out on too much, bro.)

Scott Hardie | March 11, 2007

I don't intend to stay single for long, but I do want to give myself proper time to get over this.

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