So I've been somewhat of a Sims 2 addict lately. But it's so easy. It gets boring when everybody has a perfect life, maxed skills, and reaches their lifetime want. I'm not so good at messing up their lives intentionally so I've taken to setting extra rules for myself to help mess up their lives - like the ISBI challenge where you can only control one sim of a family, and what's called a Sim-Centric Legacy Challenge where you can only act based on your sim's current wants and fears.

In ISBI I suffered through the first heir's want of marrying off 6 children - putting them through college first for added tedium - not because I had to, but in some twisted way I wanted to? And now the 3rd generation heir has children of her own.

I then put that on hiatus for a while and switched to the Sim-Centric thing. That is kind of fun. I get to know all my sims instead of having their wants and fears closed off to me. The founder went through college and had two kids - the first one having a different father than the guy she eventually decided to marry, so the first kid is kind of the odd one out and is always getting mad when he accidentally catches his mom doing anything romantic with his step-dad. The first kid is now an adult and I moved him back in. I am making the second kid the heir. She is in college now. She is having a bit of difficulty deciding what guy to marry. She is quite attracted to her half-brother's father (who is still in college thanks to the wonders of the Sim space-time continuum) and I am kind of tempted to pick him just because it would be funny, but that would ruin her relationship with both her brother and her mother (who is still in love with the guy). I guess it could work if A) she had children by him but did not move him in, or B) she moved to a new lot. Actually moving to a new lot would probably be more fun all around because the home lot has everything they could possibly want now. We wouldn't get hilarious happenings like when her mother's wedding party was ruined by a piano catching fire. (That was one of my number one sim moments, I should have taken a picture!) But then if I did that, the founder and her husband would never get older or die, unless I kept playing their home separately, which would mean additional work. I dunno.

I have actually written about my legacies in excruciating detail on my hard drive because I wanted to give their little lives some meaning (since my own has none, haha!) But I think this is enough detail to subject you all to, for now :P

One Reply to Sims 2

Scott Hardie | February 24, 2011
Interesting! I had never considered either of those ideas for play. I will definitely give both of those a try. I tend to come up with my own storylines and goals in my head rather than let my Sims do the driving, so these challenges will be a good change of pace. I kind of burned out on the Sims for a while after trying too many experimental concepts that it just couldn't do justice to because of its rigid household-family-needs structure, but I look forward to getting back into it.

Lately, I've been catching up with Fallout 3 after putting it off for too long, knowing how big of a game it is. So much fun. So immersive. I wasn't much of a fan of post-apocalyptic settings, but it has made me into a convert.

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