So, was watching the magically tragical Artificial Intelligence: AI tonight, when I got to wondering about the whereabouts of kid who saw dead people. Apparently, I was not alone in this musing...

"My flab..." -- ha!

Five Creepy Things (no arguments here)

MTV Salutes... -- a tribute?

That last link, however, fails to include the star of the creep-fest I just saw yesterday (the excellently volatile young Spock from this year's ST) that made me feel pretty okay about not having any of my own... yiii.

Nocturnal e-Musings

Amy Austin counts down the days until... something... Read more »

"Bambi & Thumper Need A New Home" or "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly"

Well... quite a bit has been happening with me lately, but I haven't been too keen to share for a few different reasons. One, just the mixed nature of it all makes it a little difficult for me to process -- although I am so very grateful for the good things, it also makes things pretty difficult to convey without somehow feeling rather pathetic and *un*grateful in the telling of it. Go »

I Feel Like My Head Is Going To Explode...

With all the stuff that's swimming around in it. Go »


Every time I try to (optimistically) think that things can't get any worse... I am proven wrong. Tonight, both of my dogs seemed fine when I let them back inside. Go »

"Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid/Unspoken"

At least... that's what I always hear. It's a rule that was invented to protect *everyone*, I'm sure, but it seems like I am *always* on "the poop end" of that stick! Go »

The Morton Salt Girl's Got Nothing On Me!

Except for a fucking umbrella. "When it rains, it pours..." Well, it's fucking monsoon season in my life, apparently -- I guess I should stay away from the Midwest, too. Go »

"The Human Condition"

disclaimer: This blog may be totally random -- this may, in fact, be the first and *only* entry in it -- containing, but not limited to, anything/everything/nothing about dreams... A short while ago, I awoke from a strange dream that I think must have been brought on by a combination of posts here, along with another comment read elsewhere about "rumors on the Internet". Dreams, by their very nature, are extremely hard to narrate, but I will try to do so here (thus sparing E from being drafted to listen... Go »