I'm too all over the place with visiting, housecleaning and sporadically surfing the Net while getting accustomed to the entirely different feel of Vista to say much besides I GOT A NEW LAPTOP!!!

Yes, E bought me a real nice Gateway FX laptop, and I'm feeling like I imagine it must feel to be a heroin addict in relapse -- my dealer just called me up and told me he had some *really great stuff*, and I am feeling that ecstatic comfort and joy of having "the Internets" back in my veins... ;-p

Three Replies to ...and the computer gods said, "Let there be light!"

Steve West | February 3, 2008
Let there be light...
Congratulations! Thanks, E.

Tony Peters | February 6, 2008
great news and awesome post....

Scott Hardie | February 7, 2008
Congrats. :-)

Nocturnal e-Musings

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I Feel Like My Head Is Going To Explode...

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Must Love Dogs

Someone I know (I guess you could say "a friend") who's been trying to break into politics for the last six months or so (starting with a mayoral race, lol) recently asked me (via Facebook chat) how I was doing (hadn't seen or talked to him in months). This is pretty much how that went: Mayor McCheese: So how's it going? Me: Shitty. Go »

Whatever Happened To Baby Haley...?

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Life Is Killing Me

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"Bambi & Thumper Need A New Home" or "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly"

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