Are you worth your weight in gold?
Gold bullion is traded by the Troy ounce which is 1/12th of a Troy pound that is little used today. A Troy oz is 480 grains or 31.103 grams. The little used Troy pound is 5760 grains or 373.24 grams.
The pound that most persons in North America know contains 16 common ounces that weigh 28.35 grams. or 437.5 grains. A pound contains 453.59 grams or 7000 grains.
With pure gold trading at $1800 (as of 1/10/2022) the familiar pound of North America that has 16 oz per pound contains about $26,250.92 gold value.
Therefore (if I did the math correctly), I’m valued at $5,775,203.08. Brenda may disagree.

Three Replies to Worth Your Weight in Gold

LaVonne Lemler | January 11, 2022
Hahaha! Very interesting, Steve! Just wondering, though, are you by any chance retired? :-)

Steve West | January 11, 2022
Relatively recently, yes.

Evie Totty | January 14, 2022
Interesting ponderings! I don't even want to do the math for mine and then have my brain say "Nope!" - no matter the amount, hahahaha!

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