
I have a lot to say, but I can't say it coherently right now.

Sorry. That's the big thing.

I need time. More later.

Checked my email for the first time in a week today. Only read 4 out of 176 messgaes. Too many. Sorry about the backlog.

Haven't opened Facebook in a long while. Sorry about that too.

Didn't do enough here either. Sorry about that.

I need to just go away and stop hurting everyone I love. Am I strong enough? Nope.

Enough of this emo shit for one night...


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

1-IX-2006 or TT4N!

Well, this will be the last time I blog here until 9/18 or so, when I will be back from vacation. Barring a European internet cafe, or some such nonsense. (How does one get the little accent on the e? Go »

23-VIII-2008 or Seen On T-shirt

This is not a great day for writing for me, as the loyal readers may or may not remember. I leave you with this phrase I saw on a t-shirt today: Life is like a jalapeno pepper. What you do today can burn your ass tomorrow. Go »

20-IX-2006 or Man, those Samoans sure are a surly bunch.

That was the punchline to a Bloom County comic I read many years ago. It always cracks me up...which makes no sense, really. Go »

2-X-2008 or Oh, YEAH!

That's why I stopped playing the Devil in Rock Block! I knew there was some reason... Go »

12-I-2007 or Bad Weekend Ahead

What a sh!tty weekend I have to look forward to! Saturday, I have to go visit a friend/co-worker (she's on the bubble...) Go »

4-VIII-2007 or Short and Sweet

I am working on a Saturday. I am not so amused. :( Anyhow, the song of the day is this annoying song that one of my co-workers has sung non-frickin' stop for the past week and a half. Go »