
I have a lot to say, but I can't say it coherently right now.

Sorry. That's the big thing.

I need time. More later.

Checked my email for the first time in a week today. Only read 4 out of 176 messgaes. Too many. Sorry about the backlog.

Haven't opened Facebook in a long while. Sorry about that too.

Didn't do enough here either. Sorry about that.

I need to just go away and stop hurting everyone I love. Am I strong enough? Nope.

Enough of this emo shit for one night...


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

13-VII-2019 or Inappropriate Humor

Good day. I am still really exhausted from my work trip, so another short one. If I were to say only the punchline of an inappropriate joke, assuming said punchline was not itself inappropriate in this out of context way, would it be the same as if I had said the joke? Go »

6-IV-2007 or I am so high, I can see heaven.

That has got to be the worst line from the worst theme song in movie history (IMNSHO)! It's so bad, it's the song of the day! "Hero" by Chad Kroeger (Nickleback lead singer) and Josey Scott (Saliva lead singer), from the movie Spiderman. Go »

8-VIII-2021 or I know! I was shocked too!!

My favorite trampolinist (Dong Dong...who else would it be?) only got the silver medal this year? Go »

28-VII-2008 or Why Did I Read That??

OK, here's the story: My wife and I went to see X-Files: I Want To Believe this weekend. I was considering putting up a review, but now I cannot. Why, you ask? Go »

24&25-III-2008 or It's probably too late to post...

but when has that stopped me? GooCon sounds awesome! I hope a lot of people come! Go »

23-VIII-2006 or Please think for me, I can't bear to.

Work is going to kill me! I've been out in the sun too long. I need a quick break. Go »