
OK, I don't actually know what to say. I thought I would have something to impart, but I got nothing.



Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

24-I-2006 or Holy crap! I'm stealing internet!

There's really no appropriate place to say, "Hey! I bought a wireless USB adapter, and I'm borrowing my neighbor's internet access!" But, I am! Go »

23-VIII-2008 or Seen On T-shirt

This is not a great day for writing for me, as the loyal readers may or may not remember. I leave you with this phrase I saw on a t-shirt today: Life is like a jalapeno pepper. What you do today can burn your ass tomorrow. Go »

16-VII-2007 or Here I Go Again

It's Whitesnake-a-licious!!! What's new in the months since I last blogged? Well, quite a bit, but relatively little of it will be of interest. Go »

26-III-2008 or Late Nite Shenanigans

Yeah. There's not really any shenanigans. It's not especially late. Go »

8-II-2010 or *sigh*

Short one today. Looking at my GOO record, I found that the first GOO I ever guessed correctly was Ray Charles. That is also the first GOO that Russ Wilhelm guessed correctly, or at least that's what I am led to believe by looking at the GOO. Go »

6-V-2008 or I Fell Off The Wagon

You would think after a year of quitting the cigarettes, I would be in the clear. Nope. Temptation got the best of me. Go »