Bernie Leadon
This celebrity goo was created by player Russ Wilhelm.
Scott Hardie made minor changes to the clue and made major changes to the explanation provided by Russ.
publication date: Saturday, November 18, 2017 (part of Fall 2017)
category: Music
clue: Even with a first-come first-served attitude, by 21 this man's journey had left him disillusioned, so he didn't waste his time waiting for the heartache that was to come.
explanation: Leadon was a member of Eagles, writing the songs "Earlybird," "Twenty-One," "My Man," and "Journey of the Sorcerer" on their their first four albums, before leaving the band. They went on to record "Wasted Time and "Heartache Tonight" without him. more…
intended difficulty: very hard
solved by: no one!