Butterfly McQueen
This celebrity goo was created by player Steve West.
Scott Hardie provided the category and difficulty, made minor changes to the clue provided by Steve, and wrote the explanation.
publication date: Wednesday, June 4, 2008 (part of Round XXXIV)
category: Movies
clue: This actress don't know nothin' 'bout goos.
explanation: McQueen was best known for her role as Prissy in Gone with the Wind, in which she exclaimed, "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies!" more…
solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Samir Mehta, Chris Lemler, Richard Slominsky, Justin Woods, Denise Sawicki, Joanna Woods, Mike Rothstein, Steve Dunn, Amy Austin, Elliot Farney, Tony Peters, Megan Baxter, Scott Hardie, Walter Chesser, Shawn Brandt, Greg Bair, Jim Kraus, and JB Brenner
trivia: Steve provided the goos to Scott one at a time without the answers, giving him seven days to guess each goo before sending the answer. Scott solved three of them, making incorrect guesses for others.
This goo was part of Steve West's Butterflies are Free Week. |