Dan Mathews
publication date: Friday, December 19, 2003 (part of Round XXI)
category: Activism
clue: Is it any surprise that an outspoken animal rights activist is so misanthropic?
explanation: Mathews was the vice president of PETA, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, but his misanthropic comments in the press (such as praising serial killer Andrew Cunanan: "he got Versace to stop wearing fur") earned him a reputation as the organization's notorious de facto spokesman ("outspoken"). more…
solved by: no one!
trivia: It was late in Round XXI with four players tied for the lead, so Scott wanted to create a difficult goo that would separate one or maybe two leaders from the pack. He had considered offering an extra hint in email, that this goo, like the one immediately before it, had been mentioned recently on the site. (Scott had mentioned Mathews by name two months earlier in Tragic Comedy when discussing the mauling of performer Roy Horn.) Scott decided at the last minute not to provide this hint, thinking that it would allow too many players to get it right. We'll never know for sure.
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