publication date: Friday, September 26, 2003 (part of Round XXI)

category: Movies

clue: Sharks, aliens, dinosaurs, robots, ghosts, and Nazis are the legacy of this very successful director.

explanation: The clue refers to Spielberg's films "Jaws," "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial," "Jurassic Park," "Artificial Intelligence: A.I.," "Poltergeist" (as producer), and "Schindler's List." more…

solved by: Steve West, Matthew Preston, Denise Sawicki, Erik Bates, Mike Eberhart, David Mitzman, Lori Lancaster, Aaron Fischer, Jackie Mason, Wendy Hampson, Christine Marie Doiron, Kelly Lee, Anna Gregoline, Nadine Russell, Anthony Lewis, Kelly Stokes, Amir H. Sufyani, Brad Htnck, Jeff Flom, Andy Hubbartt, K. R., Dan Donovan, Brandie Harrison, Elizabeth Chesher, Jason Charles Butterhoff, Mario Di Carlo, Angie Whitehead, CJ Santiago, and Craig Clarke

player landmarks: This was the first goo solved by Elizabeth Chesher.

trivia: Designed to be an easy goo to launch a new round and a new version of the site, this quickly became the most-guessed goo in the history of the game.

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