John Lennon
This celebrity goo was created by player K. R..
Scott Hardie provided the source image, gooed image, category, and difficulty, wrote the clue, and wrote the explanation.
publication date: Monday, June 18, 2001 (part of Round XIV)
category: Music
clue: After December 8, 1980, he didn't have to imagine any more.
explanation: Lennon, arguably the most famous musician of the twentieth century, was assassinated on December 8, 1980 by an insane fan, in front of his wife Yoko Ono. The clue refers to his most famous song, "Imagine," in which he asks the listener to imagine that there is no Heaven. more…
solved by: Denise Sawicki, Mike Eberhart, David Mitzman, Lori Lancaster, Aaron Fischer, Kelly Lee, Anna Gregoline, Amir H. Sufyani, Edward Tegge, Jeff Flom, and Brannan Conrad
trivia: This goo was part of Round Fourteen, in which each goo was selected by a player. This goo was chosen by Angela Rehn on behalf of D R, which disqualified both of them from guessing.
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