publication date: Thursday, July 12, 2007 (part of Round XXX)

category: Crime

clue: This killer gave Chicago's children plenty of reason to be afraid of Bozo.

explanation: Gacy was a Chicago-based serial killer known for his prior employment as a children's clown, much like local TV character Bozo the Clown. more…

solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Steve West, Justin Woods, Matthew Preston, Denise Sawicki, Joanna Woods, Mike Rothstein, Steve Dunn, Amy Austin, Mike Eberhart, Aaron Shurtleff, David Mitzman, Elliot Farney, Jerry Mathis, Tony Peters, Scott Horowitz, Lori Lancaster, Mihai Rusu, Michael Paul Cote, Jackie Mason, Wendy Hampson, and Justin Hampson

Chicago Week This goo was part of Chicago Week.

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