Joseph Cornell
This celebrity goo was created by player K. R..
Scott Hardie provided the source image, gooed image, category, and difficulty, made minor changes to the clue provided by K., and wrote the explanation.
publication date: Sunday, August 31, 2003 (part of Round XX)
category: Art
clue: What is one man's garbage is another man's treasure, and, in this case, his artistic building box... I mean, blocks.
explanation: Cornell was an assemblage artist who created box constructions ("box") and collages. Most of his materials were junk collected from salvage yards and secondhand shops. more…
solved by: Jackie Mason and Angela Lathem-Ballard
trivia: Scott changed D R's clue of "building blocks" to "building box... I mean, blocks." The source image came from the back cover of Joseph Cornell: Master of Dreams by Diane Waldman.
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