This celebrity goo was created by player Russ Wilhelm.
Scott Hardie replaced the difficulty, made minor changes to the clue, and made minor changes to the explanation provided by Russ.

publication date: Thursday, June 2, 2022 (part of Summer 2022)

category: Music

clue: To my generation, this guitar smashing rock icon posed the question "Who are you?" Once you know the answer, I'm sure you won't get fooled again.

explanation: Townshend, the guitarist for The Who, wrote the songs "My Generation," "Who Are You," and "Won't Get Fooled Again," more…

intended difficulty: easy

solved by: Steve West, LaVonne Lemler, Samir Mehta, Chris Lemler, Richard Slominsky, Erik Bates, and Scott Hardie

trivia: When this goo came up for review, Scott happened to be listening to "Behind Blue Eyes" on an assorted classic-rock playlist.

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