Takeshi Kitano
This celebrity goo was created by player Lori Lancaster.
Scott Hardie provided the source image, gooed image, category, and difficulty, made minor changes to the clue provided by Lori, and wrote the explanation.
publication date: Thursday, October 26, 2006 (part of Round XXVIII)
category: Movies
clue: Marching into battle to the beat of his own drum, are you ready for a blood bath of (somewhat) comedic proportions?
explanation: Kitano, known by his nickname "Beat" Takeshi ("beat of his own drum"), was a Japanese director, actor, and comedian ("comedic"). The words "battle" and "blood bath" hinted at his starring roles in many Yakuza pictures and the 2000 film Battle Royale. more…
solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Steve West, Steve Dunn, Amy Austin, Mike Eberhart, Elliot Farney, Jerry Mathis, and Megan Baxter
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