This goo was worth a point in March 2023.

publication date: Friday, March 3, 2023 (part of March 2023)

category: Fashion

clue: This Netflix-based fashion designer is primarily associated with tucking shirts into a particular article of clothing, and it rhymes with his last name.

explanation: France, the fashion expert on Netflix's Queer Eye and co-host of Next in Fashion, is associated with his signature look called the "French tuck," tucking just the front of the shirt into one's pants. more…

intended difficulty: medium

do-over: This was a "do-over" goo, inspired by incorrect guesses for a previous goo.

solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Steve West, LaVonne Lemler, and Richard Slominsky

trivia: This goo was inspired by incorrect guesses for the goo of Jimmy Choo.

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