17-VII-2008 or Severed Penises!!!
by Aaron Shurtleff on July 17, 2008

Read my review of the film Teeth, which probably will be personally responsible for getting goo.tc some fairly interesting hits! :)
Look out, Scott! I'm catching up to you on movie reviews. Ha ha.
I did a yahoo search of my name the other day (What? Don't you?) The fourth hit was the wikipedia page of Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. I did not write that page, but I do own that game. I play it. I love it. I don't know why a Yahoo Search of my name brought that up. If anyone can figure it out, let me know, because I'm perplexed.
Short one today. Less than 100 days to GooCon! Less than 24 hours to MetroCon!!!
Four Replies to 17-VII-2008 or Severed Penises!!!
Aaron Shurtleff | July 18, 2008
Not so much fwapping, really. Or maybe my mind was just so paralyzed from the thought of what it was seeing that it seemed motionless to me...
I was hoping the response would be about why my name came up with the game... It's killing me! :)
Lori Lancaster | July 21, 2008
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Aaron Shurtleff | July 22, 2008
I don't know!!! That's why it's crazy!
Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

Bonus post: Things I Think I Think
I was replying to Scott's post in Decidedly Undecided, and I started thinking it's nice to be posting again. Even if people were to find my opinions funny or misguided or flat out wrong, if the thought is out there, people can see it, and if I have an error in my thinking, maybe they can help me see things in a different light. I like that. Go »
6-IX-2007 or Not again! :(
I really really really hate birthdays! Just a reminder that you've been around another year, and that your time is shorter by 365 days (or so). :( I'm cranky like that. Go »
4-III-2008 or I Kick Ass For The Lord!
If you haven't seen Dead Alive, the title makes no sense. If you have, you're awesome, and I love you, but in a total non-sexual, non-gay sort of way. There is a short clip in the Best Horror Weapons of Steve West's post, which is ironic, because I was thinking of putting it in the New Game thread (where you guess movies...haven't Go »
23-VIII-2006 or Happy Birthday! (Supplemental-No reply)
This is dedicated to the one that got away... Hey! Happy Birthday! Go »
21-V-2007 or Has it been a month already?
I can't believe it! I really suck! :( Anyhow, I am no longer receiving the attention of a member of the psychiatric profession, so that period of my life is over (for now). Go »
Lori Lancaster | July 18, 2008
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