25-IX-2009 or GooCon Post Event Report
by Aaron Shurtleff on October 25, 2009

I'mma let Scott do his post-event report, but Aaron Shurtleff is the greatest live GOO game champion of 2009 ever!
And now a short listing of in-jokes from Goo Con Citrus Ridge:
Push it, Bowwow. Push it hard.
Hot Karl Marx. Hot Carl Weathers. Hot Carlos Mencia. Hot iCarly. A whole line of hot Carls!
...Tesla Coils smell bad...
I have a donkey dong. (Not me, but someone else...)
What do you mean you don't know who Stephen Colbert is?!
Scott's mom
Bo Jerkig
Ooh! A piece of candy!
Oh, and Matt Preston was an (incorrect) guess for one of the Celebrity GOOs.
An actual post-event post will follow soon. I'm off to make merry with the wife on her 29th birthday... Wish me luck! :)
...Not that kind of luck! One Aaron is one too many!!!
Nine Replies to 25-IX-2009 or GooCon Post Event Report
Aaron Shurtleff | October 26, 2009
Also overheard at Goo Con:
I'm a happy-go-lucky guy...
I would totally have one big boob!
Jackie Mason | October 26, 2009
[hidden by author request]
Amy Austin | October 26, 2009
Correction #1: It was "Push me, Bowwow... push me harder."
Correction #2: It was "I got your donkey dong" -- either preceded or followed by, implicitly or explicitly, "suck it".
Aaron Shurtleff | October 26, 2009
Per #1: You are correct.
Per #2: Suck it, Trebek. Suck it hard. Suck it long.
Heeeeeeeeeey. You might as well give up on yourself.
Amy Austin | October 26, 2009
I already have. ;-p
Aaron Shurtleff | October 26, 2009
Have given up on yourself or have sucked it, sucked it long, sucked it hard? ;P
Maybe both? Hmm?
Jackie Mason | October 26, 2009
[hidden by author request]
Amy Austin | October 26, 2009
He *wishes* he could forget about Banana Hammock.
Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

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Aaron Shurtleff | October 25, 2009
Sorry. It was Bo Jerkic. My apologies.
And I forgot about the invisible ninja zombies...