I'm not mad at you that Clinton lost; I didn't vote for her either. I'm unconcerned that we have different politics. And I don't think less of you because you vote one way and I vote another. No... I think less of you because you watched an adult mock a disabled person in front of a crowd and still supported him. I think less of you because you saw a man spouting clear racism and backed him. I think less of you because you listened to him advocate for war crimes, and still thought he should run this country. I think less of you because you watched him equate a woman's worth to her appearance and got on board. It isn't your politics that I find repulsive. It is your personal willingness to support racism, sexism, and cruelty. You sided with a bully when it mattered and that is something I will never forget. So, no... you and I won't be "coming together" to move forward or whatever. Trump disgusts me, but it is the fact that he doesn't disgust you that will stick with me long after his national nightmare of a presidency is over.

Two Replies to An Open Letter to Trump Voters

Scott Hardie | May 20, 2020
I feel the same way, Steve. I find it appalling that Trump has done so many evil things and admitted to most of them, Jean Carroll and Access Hollywood being near the top of the list, and I find it appalling that his supporters stand by him despite all of that because they like his policies. But now Tara Reade presents a trolley problem for liberal voters disgusted by the moral compromises that Trump voters have made. I think Joe Biden would be an immeasurably vast improvement over Trump, but to vote for him in light of Reade's allegations would represent the same moral compromise on my part. Even Biden acknowledges that the right thing to do is not to vote for him if you believe Reade, which is yet another example of his moral superiority to Trump. I don't have to decide until November, but it's going to be a very difficult choice.

Steve West | May 20, 2020
I, myself, don't believe a word she says. She has a long history of lying and taking advantage of people. Her past is beyond checkered and this appears to be her latest hustle. Don't be fooled by this liar second only to the current draft dodger in chief.
I'm 100% comfortable voting for Biden. A slim (very) chance that he did anything to that woman doesn't even approach what we absolutely know about the First Imbecile.

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Halloween Is Not For Kids

More and more, Halloween is becoming an occasion for parents to dress their kids for their own amusement and less and less for children to dress themselves as they want. I find it difficult to believe that any of these kids chose these costumes themselves and, although creative, are scary insights into the minds of their potential serial killer parents. The "rat eating brains" cap for infants disturbed me the most. Go »

Mythbusters Or Bust

Every Mythbusters myth on one page. Organized by "confirmed", "busted", or "partial" - 308 up to this point. Indispensible reference if you're into this show, moderately interesting for those of us without cable. Go »

Redneck ROFL

I've been to this site a few dozen times without considering linking to it. But a picture they posted really cracked me up because it, once again, reminded me of my Carolina cousins, rednecks all. Anyway the picture I'm referring to is called redneck Barbies and they remind me of a favorite pair of cousins of mine, Rodney and Looler. Go »

Professor's Last Lecture

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Ahnuld's Dog, Heinrich

"Heel, Heinrich!", commands the Governator. "Kiss my grossly over-developed ass," snarls Heinrich in return. Go »

Dog Lovers Unite

Recent conversation with Brenda: Me: I watched the neighbor's dog for an hour the other day. Brenda: That was nice of you. Me: I let him off the leash and a cop came up to me a few minutes later and said my dog has been seen chasing a guy on a bicycle. Go »