Imagine a band composed entirely of ukeleles and a guitar or two. Scared yet? Now imagine that band performing rock songs. I mean hard rock songs, songs like "Smells Like Teen Spirit". Other more soulful tunes like the "Theme from Shaft" and the catchy theme from "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" are performed also. This is really scary kids, I'm not kidding this time. Actually, I found the Shaft one kinda funky and completely hilarious at the same time. Here's a select few and I'm giving it serious consideration for my next RB birthday card.

The Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain


The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Six Replies to Not Halloween But Pretty Scary

Amy Austin | October 8, 2008
You're right... I've got goosebumps.

Awesome, though -- I say, happy b-day, and go for it!!!

Amy Austin | October 8, 2008
Did you get the feeling, however, that the singer doesn't know what a libido is?

Steve West | October 8, 2008
Ha! Maybe not but he's a bad mother...

Amy Austin | October 8, 2008
Sure... he's a sex machine to all the chicks -- he just doesn't know why.

Tony Peters | October 8, 2008
I loved
The Good the Bad and the Ugly....

Amy Austin | October 8, 2008
My favorite, too, actually.

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