In the early ‘90’s, I heard a stand-up routine by Cathy Ladman in which she was buying a Barbie doll as a birthday present for her niece. She’s looking at the doll displays and her eye catches a “Gift-Giving Ken”. She says, I really don’t think this is gonna prepare her for adult relationships. How about Date-Breaking Ken? I-Still Live-With-My-Mother Ken? Oh-You-Don’t-Mind-If-My-Friend-Bob-Joins-Us Ken? This video smacks of that humor.

One Reply to Barbie Gets Implants

Amy Austin | August 28, 2007
heheheh... "tramp stamps" -- reminds me of this old SNL commercial

(Always looking at the comments... and I'm just betting that "xogolden_kissesxo" has herself a tramp stamp! ;-D)

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