Barbie Gets Implants
by Steve West on August 25, 2007
In the early ‘90’s, I heard a stand-up routine by Cathy Ladman in which she was buying a Barbie doll as a birthday present for her niece. She’s looking at the doll displays and her eye catches a “Gift-Giving Ken”. She says, I really don’t think this is gonna prepare her for adult relationships. How about Date-Breaking Ken? I-Still Live-With-My-Mother Ken? Oh-You-Don’t-Mind-If-My-Friend-Bob-Joins-Us Ken? This video smacks of that humor.
One Reply to Barbie Gets Implants
Web Junkie
Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »
Amy Austin | August 28, 2007
heheheh... "tramp stamps" -- reminds me of this old SNL commercial
(Always looking at the comments... and I'm just betting that "xogolden_kissesxo" has herself a tramp stamp! ;-D)