Newest goo! Totally asinine guess! Realized I was wrong after I'd had the guess confirmation thingy! Wow! I amaze me!

Two Replies to Dangit!

Erik Bates | October 24, 2006
[hidden by author request]

Jackie Mason | October 26, 2006
[hidden by author request]


Adrianne Rodgers complains about life and all its little nuisances. Read more »

A List of Things That Tick Me Off

1. Crusty old binnies who accuse the current generation of being selfish as they don mink coats and drive down to Florida in Lexus convertibles with lambskin seats. 2. Go »

The United States of Walmart

Walmart: Worst. Store. Ever. Go »

The Black-Eyed Peas Must Be Stopped

Seriously. We've all heard that "My Humps" song they put out. The first time I heard it, I refused to believe that it came from the Blackeyed Peas. Go »

Happy Freakin' Holidays

Can we please, *please*, give these stores a break people? There's no need to get all up in arms over the fact that Walmart and Target are greeting people with, gasp!, "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas." Go »

I Hate Pigeons (And You Should Too)

Pigeon - An overweight urban dove with an iridescent neck and funky little head movements, commonly imitated by dancing humans. Why you should hate them : Their cooing sends a dread through all humans, because if you can hear it, it is probably near enough to be decorating your property with disease-ridden droppings. There is no escaping them, as they inhabit cities world-wide. Go »

I Got Tuna Fish In The Mayonnaise

Which is far worse than getting jelly in the peanut butter. The spot of tuna has begun to fester and spread, leaving a repulsive brown stain. Lunch is ruined. Go »