Gingerbread Office
by Scott Hardie on December 22, 2010

I don't often join in Kelly's craft projects, and it's even rarer for her to join in one of mine. But that's what happened last week when my company held a gingerbread house contest, and Kelly pitched in to help the team that I signed up for.
We decided to make a "north pole branch" of our Sarasota office. We reduced our building down to a 54" model and covered it with candy, frosting, and lights, complete with a gator and bobcat in the back yard.
The prize wasn't as sweet as the last time we won, but it was still nice to be named first place after a lot of hours to assemble it all.
Four Replies to Gingerbread Office
Matthew Preston | December 23, 2010
WOW, just wow! I am beyond impressed.
Matthew Preston | December 23, 2010
And now for my joke response:
You should put the gator on his back because he froze to death.
Jackie Mason | December 24, 2010
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Logical Operator
The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

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Steve West | December 22, 2010
Those pushpin lights are very clever. Well done! I wanna be Elf of the Month.