Getting scared for the fun of it. What a concept. Sorry to say I can't fathom it in the least. I hate being scared, have no desire to be in that state, experience no voyeuristic appeal at the sight of others being scared, and get no post-traumatic euphoria or contentment. This is the scenario of me visiting any of these haunted houses:

Steve's Friend: "Hey Steve, you're standing in a puddle of your own urine and what's that smell?"
Steve: "That's the smell of me having just the best time. All excretory functions of my body seem to be working!"

This list is from last year but most, if not all, of these sites appear to be traditional year-after-year attractions.

(And just for the record, defecating is a digestive function of the body not excretory but I was scared at the time, gimme a break.)

Three Replies to Halloween Post #3: Haunted Houses

Lori Lancaster | October 3, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Steve West | October 3, 2007
Didn't happen but I swear that is what I would actually expect to happen. Never been to any of those places, never will.

Jackie Mason | October 4, 2007
[hidden by author request]

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