Brenda and I completed a court appearance via Zoom meeting that determined we were Olivia's official guardians. Actually the court is her guardian and we are the court's agents. We are guardians of person and property. Those two designations are separate decisions for the judge. Guardian of person includes decision making regarding her living arrangements, medical care, and physical welfare. Property Guardianship makes us her Fiduciary Agent in charge of her finances. We've already set up a trust account for her inherited property (Grandpa's will) and any rental income pending sale of the property. It's possible the house may be a future home for her with paid supervision. Decide that much later. But in the meantime it serves as an income source with proceeds being deposited into the trust. Lauren is a co-guardian. There are also back-up guardians established in case of death. So Olivia's care has been set up for her lifetime or at least a good foundation has been established. That part's completed. Next comes finishing her schooling and preparing her entrance into the workforce.

One Reply to Guardians x 2

Scott Hardie | September 10, 2020
Good work! If it's anything like the process I've been through with my mother, it's a bureaucratic headache but very worthwhile, and the tasks become easier with each hurdle cleared. Congrats on getting this done, and extra congrats on getting to do it from home thanks to the pandemic. :-)

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