This might look like two guys in ugly clothes, but in reality it is a very nerdy Halloween costume. Can anyone figure it out?

click image to zoom

Edit: Steve West figured it out, answer is in the comments.

Twenty-two Replies to Mystery Halloween costume

Amy Austin | October 10, 2009
My only guesses would be Larry and his brother Darryl... or an incomplete Red Green... ;-)

Scott Hardie | October 10, 2009
Newhart was my first thought too. I'm stumped. I dunno, Earl from Dinosaurs hanging out with his good friend Tim Robbins from The Shawshank Redemption?

Amy Austin | October 10, 2009

Denise Sawicki | October 10, 2009
Good guesses but no. I maybe should have said "geeky" in place of nerdy. They are very famous characters but not dressed in their usual outfits.

Steve West | October 10, 2009
Uhh... Mike Nesmith and Davey Jones?

Amy Austin | October 10, 2009
Ha -- another good one! (But I would have said Peter Tork instead of Mickey Dolenz *or* Davy Jones... ;-D)

Steve West | October 10, 2009
Jack Nicholson and another nut from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?

Steve West | October 11, 2009
Bono and The Edge?

Amy Austin | October 11, 2009
Er... Sylvester Stallone and Burgess Meredith?

Steve West | October 11, 2009
Kirk and Spock in City on the Edge of Forever?

Denise Sawicki | October 11, 2009
Steve, you are correct! City on the edge of forever. I will post the picture of the actors in this garb shortly.

Steve West | October 11, 2009
Yes! I am King of the Geeks! I'll expect my trophy in the mail. :-)

Denise Sawicki | October 11, 2009
city on the edge of forever Pictures, Images and Photos

Here is the real picture. This is supposedly the best Star Trek episode of all time. Kirk and Spock go back in time to 1930's Earth and steal these clothes to fit in with the populace. Spock puts on the stocking cap to hide his ears. It was subtle but I knew you guys could get it with all your goo prowess.

Amy Austin | October 11, 2009
Damn, Steve... is *everything* a competition with you??? ;-p

Steve West | October 11, 2009
Sickening, isn't it? It ain't easy being me.

Amy Austin | October 11, 2009
Pshh. And I thought I was bad.

Steve Dunn | October 11, 2009
Steve West. Seriously man, you freak me out. Your combination of geekiness and competence is uncanny.

Jackie Mason | October 11, 2009
[hidden by author request]

Amy Austin | October 11, 2009
Oh, *that* episode... of course.

Jackie Mason | October 12, 2009
[hidden by author request]

Denise Sawicki | October 13, 2009
We might try to make Spock brows but I'm not sure any of us are that talented with makeup :).

It is not really a Halloween costume, it is for our convention we are going to this weekend. There should be a lot of Trekkies there, one would think. If anyone got the joke it would make our day :-P.

Lori Lancaster | October 15, 2009
[hidden by author request]

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