It seems I have quite a lot of former friends who wound up really, really, disliking me. So I am always alert to signs of that happening again. It's nobody's fault but my own, I assure you. I need a brain transplant. Anyway I came up with a new motto. "So you think it's annoying knowing me? Just imagine how annoying it is to be me" :-P

Prayer for the Paranoid

Denise Sawicki posts whatever she feels able to post without serious consequences Read more »

Jesus songs

I wonder what it is with me liking all these songs that mention Jesus. I'm a total atheist :P Actually I think it might be easier for me to like these songs that it would be for anyone who's religious and might have a troubled background with religion. I guess the name has less significance for me. Go »


We got some pretty scary masks at KMart. Darrin went as a "Crypt Creature" and Darrell went as a werewolf. That is actually me in the skeleton mask but you'd never guess from this picture. Go »

Don't go computer shopping at 6 AM...

So, we have an old and crummy computer that's been bothering us for years, and for reasons that I can't get into, it suddenly became critical to go computer shopping at 6 AM on Saturday. :P I got a digital video camera for my birthday and Darrell took some awesome videos of Philip and we wanted something that would be capable of video editing. I headed out to Walmart at 6 AM on Saturday, looked at the stats of the various computers,. Go »

Being Rich

I've decided I wouldn't really want to be wealthy. OK, in many people's estimation I am probably wealthy already, but, what I really mean is I wouldn't want to live like a wealthy person. I wouldn't want a huge house on the lake with my own boat.. Go »

I love waking up early

I got up before 5, took a shower, did a bunch of my fun and addictive getting-free-stuff-on-the-internet activities, had breakfast, and went and found some treasures in Kameo, all before heading out to work at 7:50. That was awesome. We always go to bed before 10 anyway so what's the point hanging around in bed in the morning when I'm not tired. Go »

The Political Thing

The political thing I hinted at in my first blog entry is over for now. The signatures have been safely delivered to Bismarck. Anyway, here it is, the North Dakota Shared Parenting Initiative, at Go »