So, the roomie didn't take the job, so we're stuck together for the near future..


Scott Horowitz discusses life, the universe, and everything. In short, this is about the number 42. Read more »

Roommate Problems

So, let's talk about my life. I moved to Jersey City, because a close friend (and my roommate from college) was going to be teaching here, and it would not be a bad commute for me to work. Teaching didn't work out for him, and now he's looking for ajob. Go »

The goggles, they do nothing...

On, July 7, I had LASIK Vision Corrective Surgery. On, July 8, when I woke up I could see... it was awesome. Go »

Women suck!

So, I've been doing the world of online dating. I met this girl online and we seemed to hit it off pretty well. We went out 2 times, and on the second date, I said I'd call her to go see a movie we were talking about. Go »

My Boss

So, I've been at my new job for a little over 4 months now. I have to say I am very happy there, and one of the main reasons is my boss Jim. The main thing I like about Jim is the fact that when I do something good or important, he'll say "Good Job" or "Thanks a lot". Go »

Life changes

wow, it's been a while since I wrote a blog, stupid inactivity monitor :-p So, going to be moving again in about 6 weeks, want to get out of NJ and back into NY... looking at Queens. Also, I actually have a girlfriend, will wonders never cease? Go »

Viva La Liberacion

Today is Liberation day. I brought a suit case to work with me and am moving into my new apartment after work today. Moving the rest of the furniture this weekend, I can't wait. Go »