Scott Hardie was walking along the beach one day and discovered an old oil lamp. While rubbing the lamp a genie popped out.

The genie said in a loud voice, "I am the genie of the lamp. I am the most powerful genie in the world! I will grant you any wish you desire but you get only one wish."

After some intense thought, Scott pulled a map from his pocket and pointed to the area of the Middle East. "This area of the world is fraught with unrest. My wish is for you to bring peace to this area of the world."

The genie replied, "That area of the world has been fighting for millenia. I may be the most powerful genie in the world, but even that may be beyond my capabilities."

Scott gave it additional thought and said, "I am a programmer and gamesite developer and wish for all the players who participate in my goo game to be happy with the scoring and playoff method."

The genie replied, "Let me see that map again."

Three Replies to Scott And The Genie

Lori Lancaster | May 10, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | May 10, 2008
Haha, thank you! That's the way it feels sometimes. But I know everybody still enjoys it, and that's the root of the contentious discussions.

I'm growing more reluctant to change to the Super Goo system, only because I have a sinking feeling that some people aren't going to like that one either. It never ends.

Amy Austin | May 11, 2008

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